
Growing In Prayer

I prostrated myself before the Lord, forty days and forty nights . . . because the Lord said He would destroy you.
(Deuteronomy 9:25)
How fervently have you prayed for your heart’s desire? How much intercession have you made for that wayward loved one? There have been few people with the relationship that Moses had with God. Nevertheless here we find Moses on his face before God for forty days and nights.
I don’t know about you, but Moses makes my prayer life look mighty weak. Moses was not praying for a personal need. He wasn’t even praying for a godly people. He interceded for a rebellious and stiff-necked people. His prayer was directed to the Lord so that the Lord would be glorified in His people. (1)
Prayer does not just prepare us for life’s battles; prayer is the battle. The victory of Calvary was won in the garden. Therefore, fight the fight in prayer. Get before the Lord. Call out to Him. Let Him know exactly how you feel and the reason for your request. Likewise, listen; listen to His call and direction in your life. Learn to pray; work at it.

(1) Exodus 32:12