
God's Grace is Available

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
(Luke 2:52)
The same Spirit, the same grace and the same power that graced Christ Jesus is available to us. As Jesus increased in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man, so are we to do so. We not only have those things that were available to Jesus, we have Jesus and His Word. Therefore, we are to regularly examine ourselves by asking, “Am I increasing as I should? Am I growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ?” There is no place for stagnation in the Kingdom of God and His Christ. As a matter of fact, there is no stagnation in His Kingdom. We are either growing or we are in a state of atrophy. The only plateau we will ever rightfully hit is the grave.
There is no doubt that the growth of the Christ child came through His obedience to His parents and His willingness to learn. He knew the Scriptures and the ways of the temple. He knew His Father through prayer and fellowship. Let us likewise grow through the realm of God's grace and personal obedience, being teachable with all humility.