
Being Ashamed Is Hazardous To Your Health

Whoever is ashamed of Me and my words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory...
(Luke 9:26)
I truly doubt that any of us are cognitively ashamed of Christ. If asked, we would confess our faith in Christ. However, how long do people have to know us before they see that there is something different about us? Do we keep our faith in Christ hidden so well that others have to search out our lives to know whether or not we are believers? Do you find yourself ashamed to pray openly in public? You pray over your dinner at home with your family, but how about those business luncheons? I have a motto when dining with others, “When I pay I pray, if you pay, I request to pray.” Therefore, I do my best to pay. An expression I like to use to ease a non-believer is, “Eating unblessed food may be hazardous to your health.” Instead of being uncomfortable with your faith in Christ, look for opportunities to share it. I would much rather be a little embarrassed sharing Christ now than to stand before Him embarrassed because I did not.