
Choose Prudence

The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps.
(Proverbs 14:15)
There is a vast difference between being trusting and being gullible. It is the difference between the simple and the prudent. Trust is based on love, while gullibility is established by lust.
The gullible believe every word out of laziness and selfish ambition. The trusting believes with care and discretion. The gullible read only the large print while the trusting wisely reads the small as well. For the prudent understands that the large print giveth and the small print taketh away. The gullible say, “I have checks remaining, therefore I must have money in my account.” The prudent knows his or her account balance. The simple only listen to the salesman, while the prudent read the contract. The gullible are impulsive while the prudent moves with patience. There is a fine line between being trusting and being gullible. It is a line of choice. Choose prudence.