
Seeing God

Their eyes were restrained, so that they did not know Him.
(Luke 24:16)
God is seldom what we expect Him to be. Most often we equate God’s character with ours. We see things through our own eyes instead of through the eyes of the Holy Spirit. Instead of seeing the true character of God through Christ, we visualize Him through our own biases and prejudices. If we look at Christ through any other eyes than that which is revealed in the scriptures, we are looking through tainted eyes. We often fail to recognize the things of God because we do not know nor understand the Word of God. These two men on the road to Emmaus failed to recognize Jesus until He spoke the Word to them. Once they saw Him through the eyes of scripture, verse 31 says, “Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him.” God does not reveal Himself through emotion or mysticism. He reveals Himself through His Word and by His Spirit; and the two will never contradict each other.