
A Healthy Organism

Now all the believers were together...continuing daily with one accord . . . praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily...
(Acts 2:44-47)
Here is the definition of a healthy church. As a matter of fact our text defines the health of any organization, whether it is a family, business, community or church. Whenever you can gather a group of people with a common goal and working together in one accord to the glory of God, you will have a growing, honored organism. If you look carefully at these few verses and apply them to your life, especially the life of your church, growth will be the result. There must first be a belief---which is faith. You have to be together---which is unity. You will have to be at one accord---which is harmony. God must get all the praise---which is the purpose. When this is done, favor and growth will be the result. There will be peace and increase, joy and security, and God will get all the glory.