
The Guardian of the Mind

Then Paul, looking earnestly at the council, said, “Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.”
(Acts 23:1)
The apostle did not answer shamefaced. He answered looking them straight in the eyes. There was no shuffling of feet, or groping for comment. He was certain of his convictions. He knew that he had not violated his conscience and therefore did not violate his faith. He knew in whom he had believed. This is the kind of conscience we are to have in Christ. A godly conscience is crystal clear. It does not have to think long to find the truth, for the truth is all that it possesses. A good conscience is not thin-skinned. It is not easily offended. Its fruit is peace, sound sleep, and joy; even in the midst of trials. Its anger is just and controlled. A good conscience is simply in tune with the things of God. Therefore, never violate your conscience with a lie. Always edify it with the truth. Choose to hear and speak only the truth and you can live in all good conscience before God.