
What Drives Leadership

Like a roaring lion and a charging bear is a wicked ruler over poor people.
(Proverbs 28:15)
True leadership is not based on title, power or authority. It is based on people’s willingness to follow. Many people mistake tyranny for leadership. Godly leadership never coerces; it encourages and motivates. It knows the art of the appeal. Instead of a whip, it uses a carrot. Instead of harsh words, it speaks softly. And its soft speaking is the big stick it carries. Godly leadership wields its authority to those in authority. It is always gentle to the troops, but harsh toward those who lead with harshness. Jesus was a perfect example of Godly leadership. He always spoke gently to His followers, but rebuked those who claimed to be leaders among the people, mainly the Pharisees. The difference is obvious, ungodly leaders drive from the back. Godly leadership leads from the front. One is assertive, like a roaring lion and a charging bear; the other is a compassionate, but firm guide.