
Stewards of the Kingdom

The kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms . . . shall be given to . . . the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.
(Daniel 7:27)
Look around. Look at the heavens and the earth. These kingdoms and dominions are given to us so we can be stewards of the manifold grace of God. We are to rule and reign with Him, overseeing and taking dominion of His creation. This we are to do by serving and obeying Him in all that we are called to do.
The heavens and the earth are not a fragile ecosystem, but a great kingdom designed to last until its Creator says that it is finished. The key to prospering in this kingdom is not accomplished by attempting to maintain some man-devised balance, but by maintaining a right relationship with its Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, remember we are to take this dominion as good stewards with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.(1) Look around at the greatness of this kingdom; it is your inheritance.

(1) Romans 14:17