
God’s Plumb Line

Thus He showed me: Behold, the Lord stood on a wall made with a plumb line, with a plumb line in His hand.
(Amos 7:7)
There comes a time when the Lord has to draw a line and say, “Enough!” He will erect a wall of separation between Himself and our sin. God loves us enough to say, “This far and no farther!” He loves us enough to place stringent boundaries about us.
As a loving parent confines a child to certain perimeters, our Heavenly Father does likewise. These boundaries are not hindrances, but walls of protection. Instead of impeding growth, they amplify it. Instead of stifling prosperity they enhance it. When God drops His plumb line in our lives, we are to rejoice; we are being given precise direction and guidance. God may be separating us from failure, heartbreak or even destruction.
We are not to fight against boundaries; we are to embrace them. Let us not resist them; let us pray for them. Remember that a plumb line is not a tool of demolition or destruction, but a tool used for construction and building.