
Move a Little Hill And the Mountains will follow

If you have faith and do not doubt
(Matthew 21:21)
Each of us has been given a measure of faith.[1] Few of us have a sufficient measure to move mountains. Therefore faith can and should increase. Here is how: it must be exercised. For our faith to be exercised it simply has to be used. When we begin to believe, trust and obey God in the little challenges of our lives, we will grow in faith. In Luke's gospel, the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. He is essence said to them if you have faith as little as a mustard seed and do those things that are commanded you, your faith will increase.[2] Are there some mountains that need moved in your life? Begin by believing God's promise through His Son. Believe His word, the Bible. Pray believing. And by faith do what you know to do. Start moving a few little hills and the mountains will follow.