
Presumed Loss Produces Jealousy

Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent, but who is able to stand before jealousy?
(Proverbs 27:4)
Angry people are hurtful people. They, for the most part, are angry because they have been hurt themselves. Anger causes fights and quarrels. Unchecked, it can lead to all kinds of problems. Most of us get quite ugly when angered. It is hard to deal with an angry man or woman. Then there is jealousy. Jealousy appears to be anger based on presumed loss. If someone gives affection, attention, acclaim or rewards to another that one feels is due them, it often produces jealousy. Now, these things can be misguided, but that does not justify jealousy. Jealousy more than often is the mode of the insecure and selfish. If we are secure in our relationships, there will be little room for jealousy. I am not talking about someone’s relationship to me, but my relationship to another, and also my relationship to myself. Confident people are seldom, if ever, jealous. Put your confidence in Christ and this form of anger will flee from you.
Text For The Day
Proverbs 27:4: Wrath is cruel and anger a torrent, but who is able to stand before jealousy?
Thought For The Day

“It is the eyes of other people that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither a fine house nor fine furniture.” Benjamin Franklin.

Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  Jealousy” is the fear that something which we possess will be or is being taken away by another.
Referencing:  “Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous,” 1 John 3:12.
Applying: If you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, you will overcome the insecurity of jealousy.