
The World Is Not Flat

Wisdom is in the sight of him who has understanding, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.
(Proverbs 17:24)
In my younger days of motorcycle racing, I had learned to always look where I desired to go. You had to find your line and focus on it. You never looked where you did not want to go. I have found this to apply to every realm of life. We will do are best when we keep on the straight and narrow line of life. The eyes of the fool wander and look to dreams of grandeur. The wise understand that life is to be navigated, goals are to be set and prudent steps are to be taken. The fool refuses such wisdom. He sees the world as flat and thinks that he can see its end. Therefore he will be circumvented by the wise. Let us keep our eyes on the road before us, always looking in the direction we wish to travel. Let us keep our focus on the straight and narrow, picking our line and avoiding life's potholes.