
The Whole Counsel Of Stewardship

She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar.
(Proverbs 31:14)
Part of godly stewardship is the wise purchasing of goods and commodities both for business and in the home. Prudent shopping may take time and energy, but its fruit is worth the effort. Many a business and many a household have fallen victim to neglectful investing and wasteful buying. Our first priority with regard to faithfulness is to our homes and then our livelihood. It is good to frequent the same place of business, but if a better product can be purchased at a better price at another establishment, do so. I prefer doing business with believers for example, but I have never known a Christian appliance or car. As a steward of all that God has given me, I am responsible to be as wise as I possibly can with regard to spending and purchasing. The prudent purchase of food, products and services is as much a part of stewardship as tithing and giving of offerings, maybe more so. For tithing and the giving of offerings is to be a given for the believer. The other takes a lot more work.