
Fools Are Exposed In The Gate

Wisdom is too lofty for a fool; he does not open his mouth in the gate.
(Proverbs 24:7)
The phrase "In the gate" is used many times in the Scriptures. It was where the elders of a city met to discuss times and events. Fools did not enter into this honest edifying conversation. They did not open their mouths when wise godly counsel was being spoken. To encourage, enlighten or improve was and is beyond not only their ability, but also their willingness. Fools are always against something. They are quick to tell you what is wrong, but seldom offer a solution. They see the fault and their faultfinding is their self-edification. Let us understand that foolishness has little to do with education or intelligence. Fools see themselves as having great knowledge and as being superior to their superiors. Fools revel in their foolishness. For example, if a fool stumbles into a compliment, he will by nature nullify it with a demeaning explanation. Therefore the folly of fools will inevitably be exposed in the gate of the wise. Their arrogance will become evident and their foolishness silenced.