
Laziness Is Ugly

The lazy man buries his hand in the bowl; it wearies him to bring it back to his mouth.
(Proverbs 26:15)
One cannot read the Proverbs without seeing the sinfulness of laziness. And here we have its epitome—too lazy to feed yourself. Yet it is for this very reason so many fail to achieve their goals and dreams in life. They just are not hungry enough to overcome their laziness. Years ago, when you were aloud to feed the animals at the zoo, I was throwing marshmallows to a polar bear. If I would hit him in the head, he would catch the marshmallow in his mouth. If I would miss and the marshmallow would land slightly out of reach, he would lazily wave his hand for another. It’s a cute thing when it is a bear, but ugly when it is a man or woman. Laziness is regressive. A little of it goes a long way. When you find yourself being tempted by its lure, reject it. Get up, get hungry and get busy.