
Understanding God’s Justice

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all.
(Proverbs 28:5)
Without the saving knowledge of Christ, there is at best very limited understanding of the laws of God. The world does not understand that man is not to tolerate that which God does not tolerate. It does not fathom the necessity to obey God rather than man. A godless man is a lawless man, because he is a law unto himself. If we make laws to adapt to the demise of society, we will eventually have no moral laws, but only laws that erode freedom and liberty.
The laws of a godly nation can only be kept by a godly people. For if we are not governed from within we will by all means have to be governed from without. The government and laws of our land were devised for a God-fearing people. Because the fear of God has been ignored, those laws will deteriorate and so will the nation.
Text For The Day
Proverbs 28:5: Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all.
Thought For The Day
:  “I believe that justice and mercy are simply one and the same thing; without justice to the full there can be no mercy, and without mercy to the full there can be no justice. Such is the mercy of God that he will hold his children in the consuming fire of his distance until they pay the uttermost farthing, until they drop the purse of selfishness with all the dross that is in it, and rush home to the Father and the Son, and the brethren—rush inside the center of the life-giving Fire whose outer circles burn.” George MacDonald, (1824-1905) Scottish minister who greatly influenced C. S. Lewis
Questions To Ponder
“I believe that justice and mercy are simply one and the same thing; without justice to the full there can be no mercy, and without mercy to the full there can be no justice. Such is the mercy of God that he will hold his children in the consuming fire of his distance until they pay the uttermost farthing, until they drop the purse of selfishness with all the dross that is in it, and rush home to the Father and the Son, and the brethren—rush inside the center of the life-giving Fire whose outer circles burn.” George MacDonald, (1824-1905) Scottish minister who greatly influenced C. S. Lewis
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  “Justice” “The virtue which consists in giving to every one what is his due; practical conformity to the laws and to principles of rectitude in the dealings of men with each other; honesty; integrity in commerce or mutual intercourse,” Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
Referencing: “The weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith,” Matthew 23:23
Applying: In a few days there will be an election in these United States: vote. Vote not for personal gain or a financial stipend, but vote for the godliest of candidates and those who will uphold the principles of righteousness and justice.