
This Is the Way of Life

The commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life.
(Proverbs 6:23)
The purpose of the law is to reveal sin. The apostle Paul said to the Romans, “I would not have known sin except through the law.”(1) The commandments of God reveal to us the potholes in the road of life. His law illuminates life’s pitfalls. His reproofs and instructions are the road signs of life’s highway. The wise traveler drives with his or her bright lights shining, heeding and following the right highway.

Therefore, we must know the commandments and the laws of God. We must likewise listen with an ear tuned strongly toward obedience to those He has placed in our lives to direct us. This is the way of life. To ignore these God-given signals or failure to heed the road signs will lead to a road you do not want to travel and a place you will not wish to live. Here is what I have learned in my years of days: the roads that lead to destruction are wide and plentiful. “The Road” that leads to the life abundant is narrow and straight. That makes it easy to distinguish from the broad ways of life.

(1) Romans 7:7