
Beauty Is a Choice

As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a lovely woman who lacks discretion.
(Proverbs 11:22)
Of all God’s creation, there is none more beautiful than a godly woman. Her beauty is not merely external, but rather radiates from within. A godly woman’s presence demands dignity. She carries herself with the strength of gentleness. The softness of her quiet behavior wins the hardest of hearts and the beauty of her submissiveness stills the angry man.
Nevertheless, no matter how attractive her form, if she lacks prudence, her beauty is in vain. Instead of softening the hardest of hearts she will entice lust. Instead of a quiet and gentle spirit there will be arrogant pride. Therefore, discretion is the key to unlock the beauty of the godly woman. Proverbs also says, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”(1) However, there is a way to preserve beauty. Proverbs furthermore declares, “Discretion will preserve you.”(2) Therefore, beauty is chosen through discretion.

(1) Proverbs 31:30, (2) Proverbs 2:11