
Luck Has Nothing To Do With It

The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
(Proverbs 14:18)
There are consequences to immaturity. More than often, ignorance is a choice, a choice made through the realm of laziness. The unlearned make foolish, impulsive choices. They act before they think. And unless they learn from their poor choices, they will inherit even more folly. On the other hand, the prudent, who are circumspect and careful, check their impulsiveness. They learn from their own mistakes and from the mistakes of others. The prudent appear to be very fortunate. Things seem to always go their way. It has nothing to do with “luck”, but everything to do with godly prudence. They are simply going in the right direction. There is no magic or shortcut. There is only the common sense of acquiring righteous knowledge, transferring that knowledge into godly wisdom, and wisdom into understanding. Herein is the path of the prudent. What are you inheriting? Is it folly or a crown of knowledge? Choose prudence.