
Who Is Drawn To Your Church?

Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.
(Luke 15:1)
Think about the people who were drawn to Jesus: the poor, the outcast, the sick, the mentally and physically infirmed, the demon-possessed, the worldly sinners. Most of the religious that came to Christ came judging or condemning Him and His ministry. There were a few who came honestly questioning, such as Nicodemus, (1) but for the most part it was the tax collectors and the sinners that drew near to hear Him.
We need to ask, who comes to hear Him at my church? Does He speak there? I am afraid that many of our churches are filled with those found in verse two of our text, "The Pharisees and scribes (who) complained, saying, 'This Man receives sinners and eats with them.'"(2) The Bible strongly indicates and I am personally convinced that if Christ is lifted up and glorified in the Church, He will draw all people to Himself. (3) Let's look around and ask, "Who is welcome to my church?" Who is being drawn to Christ?

(1) John 3:1, (2) Luke 15:2, (3) John 12:32