
How Do You Use Your Knowledge?

The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
(Proverbs 15:2)
How knowledge is used depends on the wisdom one has. The wise and the foolish can and often do have the same amount of knowledge. The difference arises in the use of that knowledge. For example, the wise will keep a confidence; the fool will repeat it. The wise builds with the knowledge he or she has; the fool uses it for destruction. Therefore, the wise with limited knowledge will accomplish more good than a fool with a wealth of knowledge. However, the wise will not remain limited in knowledge.
How we use the knowledge we have determines our wisdom or our foolishness. The measure is found in the utilization of our words. Do our words edify or condemn, build or demolish? The wise speak with kindness and in truth. The fool spews venom hidden by lies. Both bear fruit; one brings forth the pleasant fruit of righteousness, the other bitter fruit of unrighteousness. The question is, “How are we using the knowledge we have?”