
The Journey to Greatness

So David went and became great, and the Lord God of hosts was with him.
(2 Samuel 5:10)
Even though God saw David’s greatness, David had to wait for its manifestation. Likewise, God sees the greatness in all of His children, but we, like David may have to wait for it to be seen in this realm. David was anointed king of Israel as a youth. Nevertheless it took several decades for David’s reign to come to fruition. Look at his journey to the throne. He was hated and hunted by Saul. He lived with the very enemies of the nation he was to lead. He feigned madness; lost his best friend. He was usurped by his son and rejected by his people. Nevertheless, God said, that he was a man after His own heart. Through honor, dignity, and patience David achieved a greatness that has lasted through the millenniums. Therefore, see your life as a calling. Know that God has prepared you for a greatness that is unparalleled by man’s vision of greatness. Be patient; give honor and keep your integrity, knowing that in due time God will lift you up.