
Do Not Be Hasty

Thus says the Lord God: “Behold I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation whoever believes will not act hastily.”
(Isaiah 28:16)
Jesus Christ is that Stone. He is the firm foundation on which the Kingdom of God is to be built. Therefore the decree, “Whoever believes will not act hastily.” We are to count the cost of following Christ. We furthermore are to be led by the Holy Spirit not by worldly impulse. We are not to be hasty in our decision-making. James instructs us to be, “swift to hear, and slow to speak.” We so often commit ourselves to events and tasks to which we are not called. We make purchases through lust instead of thought; and business decisions on a whim instead of wisdom. If we have put our faith and trust in Christ, our decision-making will be done with patience. Therefore, if at all possible, all significant decisions should be made over a period of time and with godly counsel. From expenditures to marriage, in ministry or business, do not act hastily.