
The Good Listener

Then you will call upon Me and go pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
(Jeremiah 29:12)
When we understand that our thoughts are not God’s thoughts and our ways are not His ways, we will rightfully call upon Him. In our sinful arrogance we fall into the assumption that we do not need God. Nevertheless, without Him we can do nothing.(1) We are to daily call upon Him and pray to Him. We do not have to wait until tragedy strikes or trouble comes. God is big enough to hear the smallest prayer, the most minute need. He can hear a whisper in the midst of a storm.
Commune with Him often. Speak to Him spontaneously, impulsively. He will listen to you. Learn the art of being God-conscious. This is praying without ceasing. Walk with the Lord; talk with Him throughout the day. Take Him with you to meetings and appointments, lunch and play. If you call upon Him and pray to Him, He will listen. And He is a very good listener.

(1) John 15:5