
We Serve a Detailed God

As one went up from story to story, the side chambers became wider . . . therefore the width of the structure increased as one went up from the lowest story to the highest by way of the middle one.
(Ezekiel 41:7)
God is given to detail. I am convinced that there is no filler in the Bible; every word is there for a divine purpose. Likewise, we also ought to be given to detail. The order of things matters. Protocol and form makes a great difference. The term “close-enough” ought to be eliminated from our vocabularies.
“Close enough” might work in throwing horseshoes, but life is not a game of horseshoes. We are to be detailed with regard to time. Being late is not an option.
I have found that people with detailed order to their lives are people of success. There is a time and a place for every aspect of their lives. Detailed people plan their work and work their plans. They have time to enjoy life because they plan their lives. Life is not a compulsive behavior, it is a wonderfully planned experience to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest.