
The Blind Intellectual

(Matthew 11:25)
The things of God's kingdom are reachable, understandable and acceptable, even to the childlike ear. To the puffed-up arrogance of the self-proclaimed intellectual these things are archaic, mystical and unacceptable. They are simply hidden from the prideful. Pride is an opaque wall that must be demolished, for its knowledge does not fathom God's wisdom or understanding. The apostle Paul instructs, "Knowledge puffs up."[13] They are more than often filled with self-righteousness. They are, "Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."[14] Hear me, knowledge, prudence and wisdom are by all means good, unless they are void of the Spirit of God. Without the Holy Spirit even the Holy Scriptures possess a void. We cannot come to God arrogantly; that is childish. We must come humbly; which is childlike.