
Standing Firm

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
(Psalm 16:8)
Have you ever wavered from your sure stand? You knew what you wanted and you knew how to get it, but someone came along and knocked your foundation out from under you. While, if the Lord goes before us and He stands at the place of power in our lives, nobody can steal your or my dream. Now, for the Lord to stand by our side in power and lead us in the way we should go is totally dependent on our willingness to grant Him His due authority. God will not coerce or enforce His blessings upon us. We have to be willing to receive His will in our lives before we are able to stand firm in our beliefs. Therefore, let us get hold of our dreams and goals; keep the Lord God constantly before us granting Him absolute authority in our lives and nobody will be able to shake our foundation. We will not be moved.