
The Ark of Christ

Come into the Ark . . . I have seen that you are righteous . . . in this generation.
(Genesis 7:1)
Noah and his family lived in a time similar to ours. In the midst of his perverse generation, Noah remained faithful. To Noah, the ark was a physical place of refuge. To us, it is symbolic of our refuge we have in Christ. Noah was righteous with regard to his neighbors and the law. Our righteousness is with regard to Christ and the perfect law of liberty. As Noah entered the ark of wood, we are to enter into the ark of Christ. As Noah was saved from the flood of water, we are saved from the flood of sin and death. As Noah physically saved his family and the animals of the earth, we are to lead our families to a saving knowledge of Christ and have dominion on the earth. Just as Noah was righteous in his generation, we are to live righteously in ours. Therefore, are you building an ark of safety for your household? Are you prepared for the flood of sin in our generation? Have you entered the ark of Christ?
Text For The Day
Genesis 7:1: Come into the ark, I have seen that you are righteous… in this generation.
Thought For The Day
“Have you ever thought of how a rainbow is a perfect picture of God's grace? Life's storms may buffet us, ripping apart our plans and flooding us with multiplied problems, many of which are of our own making. But grace is God's promise that we will not be destroyed; just as a rainbow was His promise that he would never again send a flood to devastate the earth. The rainbow is God's gift to us to remind us of his greater gift: His amazing grace. His grace is always there to draw upon—when we remember to do so.” Barbara Johnson, From Pack Up Your Gloomies in a Great Big Box
Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Definition: There are several arks in the Scriptures: The ark of bulrushes in which the infant Moses was laid. The ark of Noah in which mankind was saved. The ark of the covenant in which the laws of God were laid. And the ark of His covenant which is found in heaven (see Revelation 11:19).
Reference: “He says, ‘A new covenant, He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” Hebrews 8:13
Application: Determine to live today in the safety of the ark of the New Covenant in Christ.