
An Adulteress Named Pornography

By means of a harlot a man is reduced to a crust of bread; and an adulteress will prey upon his precious life.
(Proverbs 6:26)
The greatest most infamous harlot of our day is the adulteress named Pornography. She is everywhere enticing and destroying marriages, relationships and lives. No one can tame her. No one can afford her. She is a ruin and scourge of our "free" society. She interrupts the best of sporting events. She infiltrates all forms of entertainment. She lives and thrives in cyberspace. By all means avoid her. Flee from her as Joseph fled from Potiphar's wife. You cannot handle her. She will destroy you. You are no exception. Her is how we avoid her seductions: Get and stay accountable with your time and location. Realize that she is technically savvy. If you have a computer, keep its screen visible. Know where you are going and what you are viewing. Do not flirt with her, she will respond overwhelmingly. If she has already seduced you, get help; get and stay accountable. Why should you be reduced to a crust of bread?