
Riding Our Homes Of Wickedness

The house of the wicked will be overthrown, but the tent of the upright will flourish.
(Proverbs 14:11)
What makes a house wicked? Is it always witchcraft or some sort of demonic activity? I don't think so. No house in itself has the ability to be wicked. There are no haunted houses; there are only haunted people. Yes we can decorate our homes with things that are ungodly and possibly invite the presence of evil into our homes. Nevertheless this evil is due to our inordinate attachment to those things. Wickedness must be practiced. It is something that is done. Therefore, we would be more than wise to examine our homes, to see if there is any wickedness in them. If there is, let us deal with those who are propagating that wickedness in love and with patience. Often times our wickedness is not perceived as the evil it is: a root of bitterness, outburst of wrath or deep-seated hatred are just a few wicked characteristics. If we do not rid our homes of wickedness, it will inevitably be overthrown.