
Junk Food Trifles

The words of a talebearer are like tasty trifles, and they go down into the inmost body.
(Proverbs 26:22)
It is ugly, but it is the ugly truth. Countless people enjoy hearing the innuendoes, seeing the voyeurisms and knowing the secret thoughts of others. This is obviously noted by the popularity of this type of entertainment. There is a two-fold repentance required for this besetting sin: First and foremost, let us not be those who slander, gossip or malign. "Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt."[1] If it cannot be said directly to the person involved, it should not be said at all. If it cannot be said in love it likewise should not be said. Our second response to this modern-day talebearing should be to reject it, avoid it and ignore it. Let us stay away from the tabloid mentality of much of the media: the cheap magazines, the voyeuristic television programs and the everyday gossip of those who enjoy such tasty trifles. Like most fast food, it's not very good for you.