
My Son Be Wise

My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me.
(Proverbs 27:11)
Any child, no matter how young or old, has the ability to bless those that love them the most. There is nothing that gives a mother or father greater joy than the well-being and success of their children. I do not necessarily mean financial success. Success is far greater than that. When a son or daughter is honorable and wise, there is nothing greater they can be or do to please and bless their parents. From the obedience of youth to the responsibilities of adulthood, when these are manifest a father's heart is made glad. In this present generation, unfortunately, success has to be measured by a child not doing drugs or falling into gross immorality. What a sad commentary on our society. What a heartbreak for mothers and fathers. Therefore, each of us has the ability to bless those that brought us into the world. A little wisdom, a little honor, a little love and a couple of lives can and will be made glad.