
Be And Stay Established

The king establishes the land by justice, but he who receives bribes overthrows it.
(Proverbs 29:4)
Allow me to paraphrase our text' "A leader who leads justly establishes what he leads, but he who can be bought destroys what he leads." Whether in business, politics or any endeavor, justice is mandatory for true success. Any time we can be bought, our integrity wanes and our endeavors suffer. It may not be a financial bribe or dishonest gain; it could be a little compromising of sincerity, quality or mission. There will always be giving and taking in these realms, but we can never compromise our faith and principles. To do so is as bad if not worse than taking a bribe. It is selling out our character. Make sacrifices, yes, but never sacrifice who you are and what you believe. Establish what you do with justice, which is moral equity. Do right at all cost, for t o do otherwise is as he who receives a bribe and overthrows what he has accomplished.