
This Present Wrath

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.
(Proverbs 11:4)
Riches are desired by just about everybody, for riches come with great benefits. However, they are not to be sought above righteousness. Riches often have a way of causing the righteous to deviate from their righteousness. Through the avenues of pride, self-confidence and self-righteousness they fall. In America, we have become if not the richest, one of the richest people the world has ever known. We did not attain our wealth from an unrighteous foundation, but from a righteous one. If we continue to destroy that foundation, our riches will not profit us in this day of wrath. Only our righteousness will deliver America from the onslaught of terrorism, fanaticism and the enemies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That righteousness is only to be found in Christ. We must become a people whose strength is in Him. Only His righteousness in us will deliver us from this present wrath.