
The Worst Kind Of Thieves

Whoever is a partner with a thief hates his own life; he swears to tell the truth, but reveals nothing.
(Proverbs 29:24)
There are many types of thieves in life. There are those who simply steal things and there are those who steal time and life. Those who steal things are easily dealt with, but time and life stealers are far worse than those who steal things. They are much harder to detect and often appear as friends. These are those who always find the problems, but never the solutions. They are quick to burden you with their needs, but seldom offer to help you with yours. They are takers. They are the worst kind of thieves. If you continue with them, our text says that you hate your own life. Here is what we must do with all thieves: love them, but mark them. Hate the deed. Guard your belongings. Know what you have. Likewise guard your time and testimony. Do not let life's thieves steal your joy, peace and time. Here is how we are to recognize them, "He swears to tell the truth, but reveals nothing."