
The Lighted Path

The light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked will be put out.
(Proverbs 13:9)
The light of which the Bible speaks is the light of our understanding. It is the understanding of the things of God. Those who walk obediently to that understanding have cause to rejoice because they prosper at their endeavors. Those who attempt to use that light for selfish motives and wicked schemes will ultimately fail and fall. God gives light to all. It is what we do with that light that matters. Therefore let us ask, "How am I utilizing the light that I have?" Do I walk in the light as He is in the light?[8] The purpose of the light is to keep us from stumbling. It reveals the path of life and only the path of life. When we get off the path the light diminishes and we end up in darkness. If we find ourselves in the dark, all we need to do is return to the lighted path.