
Your Purpose is Found in Your Desire

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, and fulfill all your purpose.
(Psalm 20:4)
Let me instruct you on how to find your purpose in life. For the believer, it should be quite simple. All you have to do is ask yourself, “What is the desire of my heart?” God’s desire is to grant you your heart’s desire. Now, isn’t that good news? Isn’t it great to know that the creator of the universe loves you that much? God wants to fulfill your heart’s desire so that He may fulfill His purpose in your life. Do you really think that He would call you to a purpose without placing that purpose as your heart’s desire? I don’t think so. Listen. Learn to recognize the true desire of your heart. There is a difference between desire and lust. You need to make the distinction. Lust is always self serving, and God ignoring. Desire on the other hand, is to be God honoring, people edifying, and self growing.