
How To Choose Friends

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray.
(Proverbs 12:26)
The Bible has much to say about friendships. For example: “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…” “A friend loves at all times…” and “Do not forsake your own friend or your father's friend…” God says that friends are important, and that they need to be chosen with care, not with arrogance nor for selfish gain. Friendships are at best to be mutual, that is they are to be beneficial to each other. As Proverbs says, Friends are to sharpen each other. We should not seek friends for the sake of personal gain, but for mutual gain. We should reach up as well as down in choosing our friends, and that without being a respecter of persons. Choose friends you can love and who can love you. Choose friends who have time for you and you them. Finally, choose friends that are friends of God.