
Earned To Last

Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase.
(Proverbs 13:11)
Wealth gained dishonestly is more than sinister pilfering or embezzlement. What you do may be lawful, but is it honest. It may be truthful, but is it the whole truth? It may have an appearance of success, but is it truly successful? These are legitimate question regarding the ethics of work and business. You may obtain a certain degree of wealth fraudulently, but God says that it has no enduring power. The key to honest gain is virtuous labor, and upright work. God says that these will bring a steady increase. Windfall wealth, or quick dollars have a way of quickly going with the wind. Labor builds; it works diligently, using a firm foundation, and that foundation is found through integrity and godliness. Take no short cuts. Gather by honest labor, and just watch God bring a lasting increase.