
The Direction Of Correction

The ear that hears the rebukes of life Will abide among the wise.
(Proverbs 15:31)
There is a natural man, as well as a sinful and spiritual man. The only way a natural man can learn wisdom is from the lessons of life. He recognizes the law of cause and effect. He has learned that for his actions there is always going to be a reaction. The sinful man ignores the rebukes of life. His attitude is that everyone else must be wrong. He is a law unto himself. The laws of God apply to him, but he chooses to ignore them. The spiritual man has available to him the blessings of the knowledge of every realm. He is able to receive instruction from the events of life, the sin nature of man, and the Spirit of the living God. The spiritual man sees the folly of the sinful. He understands the ways of the natural. Above all, he receives the government of the Spirit.