
A Master Builder Builds One Brick At A Time

Andrew… first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah”… And he brought him to Jesus.
(John 1:40-42)
A home is built one brick at a time. When each brick is placed perfectly, a beautiful house can be built. The same applies to life. It is best built one step at a time. Whether you are building a business or the kingdom of God, the best way to reach people is one at a time. The best place to start is at home, reaching your loved one's first-just as Andrew first found his brother Peter. This simple process of duplication works. because this is the way God has ordained growth-each one reaching one. The adding becomes multiplication, and the multiplication becomes saturation. Who do you know that you can reach? Who in your family needs Christ? These should be the first to be found and brought to Jesus. Don’t ever give up on your family. Pray for them, reach out to them and do your best to win them.