
Silencing A Troubled Soul

My soul, wait silently for God alone. For my expectation is from Him.
(Psalm 62:5)
Is your soul noisy? Does your mind rush about seeking solace and direction? At day’s end, do you have a hard time shutting down the frenzy of everyday life? In what or whom are you placing your trust? We must not only learn to wait on the Lord, we must learn to wait silently. For He has said, “Be still, and know that I am God.” I know of nothing that will quiet a troubled mind like silently waiting for the Lord. Find a place, preferably a garden atmosphere; relax as best you can, and just sit and wait. This is not a time to plan nor prepare for anything. It is a time to be silent before a holy God. I have found that I usually do not have to wait very long before He comforts me and quiets my troubled soul. As I silently wait, He more than meets my expectations.