
When There Is No Way Out But God

“Look, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, could this thing be?”
(2 Kings 7:2)
Because of the siege of the Syrians, there was great famine in the city. Elisha basically said, “Don’t worry, this time tomorrow everything will be Just fine.” He did not say how it was going to fine, he just said that it was. The gatekeeper did not believe him because he did not know how it was going to come to pass. I doubt if even Elisha knew how God was going to deliver them. However, he didn’t need to know; he only needed to have faith in God. When there appears to be no way out of a dilemma, and there is nothing to do but have faith in God, you are in a wonderful place. It is a hard place, but nevertheless a wonderful place. It is where there can be no doubt that God delivered you. It is the place where God can open the windows of heaven.