
Sin Is Cancerous

The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar!”
(John 19:15)
Sin will take you further than you want to go, cost you more than you are willing to pay, and keep you longer than you wish to stay. All sin leads to more sin. Sin permeates every aspect of our existence. The religious leaders of Christ’s day began by simply questioning the authority of Christ. The end result was that they denied the authority of God, claming to have no king but Caesar. Sin is like a fast spreading cancer. Unless it is caught early, it can saturate and destroy rapidly. Unchecked sin can grow into a monstrous villain. Anger can turn to wrath; wrath to bitterness; and bitterness to ruin. All sin affects more than one person. There is no such thing as victimless sin. Consider the sin of Adam. One man brought sin to the entire human race. I hope you can say, “I have no king but Jesus!”