
Are My Decisions Knowledgeable?

Also it is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet.
(Proverbs 19:2)
Impulse decisions are not made out of a measure of knowledge. Anything done impulsively is done either sensually, or at best emotionally. All decisions, if possible, must be made based on knowledge: and that knowledge should be firmly established on logical and spiritual understanding. The logical aspect covers such areas such as: Can I afford to do this? Is this necessary? Will it help or hinder? Can It wait? The spiritual consideration includes such things as: Is this a godly thing to do? Have I prayed about this decision? Will it glorify God? Never allow yourself to be pressured into a major decision without having an opportunity to seek wise counsel and God’s will. It is simply wise to know what you are doing. Do not be hasty. Think before you act. Remember, “It is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, and he sins who hastens with his feet.”