
“Look At Us.”

And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, “Look at us.”
(Acts 3:4)
This beggar was looking for silver and gold. He was not looking to walk.. However, one day two men came by named John and Peter. As he looked for alms, they said, “Look at us.” He looked for survival. They said, “Look at us.” He looked for pity. They said, “Look at us.” They did not say, look at our fame, or look at our possessions. They said to this man in great need, “Look at us.” This is not a statement of arrogance, but one of humility and maturity. People in need may be looking for silver and gold, but what they really need is someone in their lives that can say to them “Look at us.” They need someone to say, “You do not have to beg anymore, you do not have to be carried any longer. They need someone to fix their eyes upon who will say to them, “Look at us.”