
What Others Desire Of You

What is desired in a man is kindness…
(Proverbs 19:22)
There is no better way to reach out to people than through kindness. If we can meet the desires of people, we can influence people. Just think about what the Creator of the universe is saying here. Let me paraphrase, “Everyone wants to be treated kindly.” To show kindness is to exhibit interest and sincerity. Kindness is gentle and considerate. It is never rude, nor self seeking. Kindness, like love, is patient. It is quick to hear and slow to speak. Kindness is what others desire in us and what we desire in others. It is also required by God. Therefore, when we exhibit kindness, we are not only pleasing to others, we are pleasing to God. Understand that superficial, manipulative kindness does not please God, and will eventually be detected by man. Therefore, because of the great influence of kindness, God demands it to be genuine.