
When The Builder Is Ready, The Craftsman Will Come

And now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding…
(2 Chronicles 2:13)
When we do all that we are able to do, then God will send us the help we need. Solomon had determined to build the temple of the Lord. He had the desire, the plans, and the materials. However, he was lacking the skilled craftsman to complete the work. When the need arose, the right man came. God will send the right people to you when you are ready to receive them. He will not send the skillful if there is no desire or plans. Yet, when the builder is ready, the craftsman will come. That is how God works. His timing is always perfect. King David had given the plans to Solomon. Solomon had the desire and the willingness to work. Therefore, God sent the right man at the right time to wonderfully complete the temple of the Lord. Are you positioning yourself for such a man. Are you ready for God’s craftsman?