
A Right Heart Is Better Than Right Eyes

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the Lord weighs the hearts.
(Proverbs 21:2)
It is good to believe that you are doing the right thing. I would hope that all of us would only do the things we are convinced are correct and proper. However, there is a little wrong in all of us. Everyone has a certain bent toward a particular sin. Therefore, we must examine ourselves frequently and allow others to do so. We are to open our selves to the wise scrutiny of trusted mentors and spiritual leaders, especially with regard to character flaws. We may be doing things right on the out side, but how are we on the inside? What kind of an attitude do we carry? Do we judge others wrongly, just because they do not see things the same. We need trusted counselors to help us see our hearts as the Lord sees them. It is better to be right in the eyes of God than in our own eyes.